Honor Code Violation Report

If a student admits to having violated the Academic Code of Honor, and if that student and the instructor can agree on an appropriate punishment, the instructor should:

  1. Download an Honor Code Violation Report.
  2. Enter the appropriate information into the report by typing directly into the form or by writing on a hard copy.
  3. Sign a printed copy of the HCVR and have the student do the same. This can be done in person or by email.  
  4. There is a mandatory two-business day waiting period before a student can sign the HCVR. The student can use this time to ask for information about Honor Code policies from the Advisory Resource Person in the relevant college/school, or for advice from any other trusted source. If the waiting period extends beyond the deadline for midterm or final grade submission, contact the Office of Academic Standards (honor@nd.edu).
  5. The deadline for the student to sign the HCVR is the close of business on the fifth university business day after the form was given to the student.
  6. Once the HCVR is signed by the student, promptly send the form to the Office of Academic Standards, 217N Main Building. You can also email a PDF of the signed form to honor@nd.edu. 
  7. If the HCVR is not signed by the fifth university business day, the case can be referred to the appropriate College/School Honor Code Committee. Please contact Academic Standards regarding the next steps in this situation.
  8. Do not implement the penalty described in the HCVR before receiving a confirmation letter by email. This should take place within seven days of submitting the form. 
  9. The Office of Academic Standards may extend the deadline for reviewing a report by an additional seven days by issuing a written notice of the extension to the instructor and student before the initial seven-day deadline expires.
  10. After seven calendar days, the agreement becomes irrevocable. No student may drop a course in which they have signed or been presented with an HCVR.

An instructor may not penalize a student for suspected dishonest behavior unless the student either has agreed to that penalty in a signed Honor Code Violation Report or has been assigned such a penalty as a result of an Honor Code Committee hearing.